Hello readers, happy new year!!! I know, I'm late... =.=Just to sum up what i did in December 2009, a holi-month. New sem has just started yesterday, I'm still used to my 2 months holiday, hate to wake up 7.30am early in the morning, rushing to college, searching for parking lots, assignments ..... ..... AND the time table is not that nice for me! =(
Our first ever cake =D Cocoa cake. Did it at yee ching's house. Went to sunshine square to buy those ingredient. It was a no-plastic-bag day, so... we just put everything into a paper box. Nice experience I can say, kelam kabut all the time. But surprisingly it was a success, tastes great ^^ I think we should try some cookies for next time.
Okay, it was li ching and hwey miin belated birthday celebration at sunset bistro. It has been a while since our last met. Well, appreciate!!! For the very first time, ching's bf joined us.
BBQ at Irene's house. Only get to join them after work, brought my 2 colleague along. Get to meet Zl for like 30 mins as she wanted to go back earlier. I think we spoilt the theme, it was a beach-wear bbq party. =.=
Seafood @ teluk kumbar. Was planned to go tambun for seafood, haih... somebody ppk, bo huat need to change plan, so we decided to go teluk kumbar as it is nearer and cheaper. The food is okay, not bad, RM20 per person. Satay!!! highly recommended!! gotta order that when u go there. Then went to Pekaka Square for pool as it is still early (9 something)
The next day -- Redbox! Vk is leaving to KL, he claimed that he will be missing redbox very much. So, starts from 11am to 1pm
, then Vk bo kambuan, end up extend till 3pm. =.= After that went to Tanjung Tokong for Roti Kaya as recommended by shu. Had Bak Kut Teh @ Greenhouse as our dinner. Went home with a full loaded stomach. err..
3 girls 2 guys 1 Bukit Merah. Outing planned by irene and ewen. Thanks to Ewen for the ride!! and also thanks to the GPS system hahaha, we used the old roads XD. We had fun!
Hotel Stay @Flamingo Hotel. The long awaited class gathering, but unfortunately only few of us could made it. Pot luck was the game, I brought cup noodle XD. Tried Heineken for the very first time, errrrr... to me, it tastes weird. Thanks to hwey miin and chia hoey for the ride =)
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